How to Print JAMB UTME Exam Slip
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has announced that candidates can start printing their JAMB UTME examination slips for the 2024/2025 JAMB UTME exams.
The JAMB UTME examination slip contains the candidate’s biodata, exam date, venue, time and subjects to be attempted.
Candidates are advised to print their JAMB UTME examination slips on time to know their exam schedule. It is common for the JAMB website to have technical glitches during periods like this.
In this post, you will see how to print the JAMB UTME slip yourself. The process is quite easy.
How To Reprint JAMB UTME Exam Slip
To reprint your JAMB UTME slip, follow the process below;
Step 1: Visit the JAMB UTME Slip Printing Portal
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board annually provides a special portal for candidates to print their JAMB UTME slips.
You can access the JAMB UTME exam slip portal here.
Step 2: Enter your JAMB UTME Registration Number
Paste your JAMB UTME registration number in the space provided then click the print examination slip button. You can also enter the email address or phone number used during the JAMB UTME registration to print your exam slip.

Immediately you click the “print examination slip” button, a new tab will open showing your JAMB UTME examination slip.
If you have forgotten your JAMB registration number, you can read our article on how to recover your JAMB registration number.
Step 3: Save the JAMB UTME Exam Slip as a PDF File
It is best to save the JAMB UTME examination slip as a PDF file on your phone so you can access it whenever needed. There have been cases where the printed copy gets misplaced and the portal for printing has glitches due to high traffic from other candidates.
To save as a PDF, click on print while on the page showing your examination slip. Select the “save as PDF” option. In the paper size option, select ISO A4 to make the JAMB UTME exam slip fit into an A4 paper.
Click on the PDF Icon to save.
Steps to take After Printing JAMB UTME Exam Slip
Now that you have printed your JAMB UTME examination slip, what are the next things to do?
1. Visit the Exam Venue
Check the exam venue, date and time. If you are not familiar with your exam venue, it is better to visit the venue a few days before the exam.
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