How to Calculate YABATECH Post-UTME Screening Score
Are you looking for how to calculate YABATECH Post-UTME screening score, so that you can know your score before it is released?
Sometimes, YABATECH may decide not to write Post-UTME exams. In cases like this, candidates Olevel result and JAMB score will be calculated to give the aggregate score.
In this article, we will show you how to calculate YABATECH POST-UTME screening score all by yourself.
You should read this article carefully to the end so that you can calculate your YABATECH aggregate score properly.
How to Calculate YABATECH Post-UTME Screening Score
To calculate the post-UTME screening score, you need to have your JAMB score and O’level result at hand.
There are four steps in calculating the aggregate score, you have to calculate;
- JAMB aggregate.
- O’level aggregate.
- Bonus mark.
- Post-UTME score.
Step 1: Calculate your JAMB Aggregate
Divide your JAMB score by 8 and write down the answer.
The example below is for someone that scored 180 in JAMB.

After you have calculated your JAMB aggregate, go to the next step.
Step 2: Calculate your O’level using the grading system below
While calculating for the O’level result, you are to calculate for only five relevant subjects (Mathematics and English is compulsory).
Here’s the grading system that YABATECH uses to calculate O’level results of candidates.
A1 = 3.0 Marks.
B2 = 2.5 Marks.
B3 = 2.0 Marks.
C4 = 1.5 Marks.
C5 = 1.0 Marks.
C6 = 0.5 Marks.
For NABTEB, use the grading system below;
A1 = 3.0 Marks.
A2 = 2.5 Marks.
A3 = 2.0 Marks.
C4 = 1.5 Marks.
C5 = 1.0 Marks.
C6 = 0.5 Marks.
After you have calculated your total O’level aggregate, write down the score somewhere.
Step 3: Bonus Mark
YABATECH awards bonus marks based on how many O’level results that you are applying with. Candidates applying with one O’level result get 5 marks while candidates applying with two different O’level results get 2.5 marks. Take note of this and write it down somewhere.
Step 4: Add your Post-UTME Score
The college will conduct a Post-UTME exam for candidates based on three subjects; Mathematics, English and General papers. A total of 40 questions will be asked and the exam will last for 30 minutes.
If you are reading this article after you have seen your YABATECH Post-UTME score, simply write down your score and move to the next step.
However, if you have not written the exam, you have to skip this part.
Step 5: Add up all the scores from previous steps
Now that you have gotten the scores in the previous four steps, add up all the scores together.

Your final answer is your YABATECH post-UTME screening score.
You can compare your score with the cut-off marks from previous years.
Note: If you are reading this article at a time when YABATECH has not conducted its Post-UTME exam, you can do the calculation without the post-UTME score and then check how many marks you need to meet or pass the previous cut-off mark.
We hope that you have learned how to calculate your YABATECH Post-UTME screening score. You may also want to see our article on how to get original YABATECH Post-UTME past question and catchment areas for schools in Lagos State.
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